Magsoft Corporation

What's new at Magsoft?

New Products


A new addition to the Flux tools family is in the making. Flux-Chip, a 3D CAD Package for the Electrothermal Analysis of Multichip power Modules, is being tested at the Laboratoire d'Electrotechnique de Grenoble in collaboration with SGS-Thomson. Flux-Chip will let you design and optimize the packaging of basic chips in sets or modules. Flux-Chip computes electrical and thermal imbalances and leads to better cooling and higher ratio power vs. volume in multichip arrangements. The first official presentation of Flux-Chip is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 1995.


Flux-PARAM will be released in 1996. It is a revolutionary tool in the field of parameterized computation. It will be used to replace all of the multi-solving computations for parameterized analysis and optimization with a single solving computation. The user sets the physical and geometric quantities to be considered as parameters. For each of these parameters, the user sets an initial value, for which the computation will actually be performed, a minimum and maximum value, and the minimum accuracy requirement. Flux-PARAM computes the value of the unknown (potential) and its derivatives at each node versus each of the set parameters. The derivatives are computed up to the order achieving the minimum required accuracy. The result of these computations make it possible for the post-processor to display the variation of any local quantity (flux density, field, potential) and global quantity (force, torque, energy, inductance) versus each preset parameter without any further solving.

Product Updates


We are now shipping version 7.12 of Flux2D. All of the patches for version 7.11 have been integrated into this new version. When recording a spy file, the program will now convert any graphics command into an alphanumeric command making the spy files for Flux2D independent of the graphics context.

Other changes in Flux2D are are incorporated into this version. We now use shared libraries to load the programs. This reduces the disk space used by the programs. User subroutines have been simplified by the use of shared libraries. We now use FlexLM to control the distribution of Flux2D on workstations. This makes it easier to authorize extra modules, modify the number of installed licenses, and distribute new versions or patches. The EOP (End Of Page) message has been discontinued.

Flux2D PC:

The Flux2D version for Windows '95 is here! Starting at the beginning of 1996, Flux2D for Windows '95 and Windows NT will be shipped. These versions will be for INTEL chips and compatible. Improvements in the Windows '95 version include integration of the window environment, icons to start the program and a faster loading time. We will temporarily maintain the current DOS version to allow everyone plenty of time to update their operating system.

Magsoft Corporation
1223 Peoples Avenue
Troy, NY 12180
Phone: (518) 271-1352
Fax: (518) 276-6380